
person receiving a bad credit loan

A Helping Hand: Bad Credit Loans in the Philippines

Fri, 10/27/2023

It should no longer come as a surprise that having a poor credit score is bad news. This can lower your chances of getting approved for a loan or a credit card application. In some cases, it may even cause difficulties in getting a good-paying job, starting a business, or renting a home or condo.


Recovering from bad credit isn’t impossible, though, but it will take plenty of time and effort. Fortunately, there’s still a way to access funds that you need in case of emergencies and urgent, unexpected matters. We’re not talking about illegitimate ways to do it, luv. We're talking about bad credit loans!


What are bad credit loans, you ask? How do they work and where can I get them? In this blog, we’re answering those questions and more, so strap in, luv. Help is on the way.



Infographic about Bad Credit Loans in the Philippines


What are Bad Credit Loans?

Bad credit loans are loans specifically designed for individuals with not-so-great credit scores. They’re financial lifelines to those who may be deemed high-risk by traditional lenders and who are unable to secure a loan because of it.


Risk-Based Pricing and Bad Credit Loans

Before diving deeper into how bad credit loans work, it’s essential to understand the principle of risk-based pricing. This concept plays a crucial role in the lending world, especially for loans aimed at individuals with less-than-ideal credit scores. Lenders use risk-based pricing to determine the interest rates and terms of a loan based on the borrower's credit risk.

Essentially, the higher the perceived risk of lending to an individual (often reflected in a lower credit score), the higher the interest rates and fees associated with the loan. This approach compensates the lender for the increased risk of default. Understanding this can help you navigate the terms of bad credit loans more effectively and make informed financial decisions.


Causes of Bad Credit in the Philippines

There are many ways that one could end up having bad credit in the Philippines. Whether you want to be extra careful or you want to understand what went wrong, here are three of the most common reasons:


  1. Economic Factors - Economic instability can have a profound impact on your finances. Events such as sudden recessions, job losses, and inflation can all contribute to bad credit in the Philippines.

  3. Personal Financial Mismanagement - Sometimes, bad credit results from poor financial choices. To avoid this, make sure that you’re not spending irresponsibly, missing monthly installments, or borrowing more money than you can handle.

  5. Unforeseen Circumstances - Even natural disasters and health emergencies can disrupt financial stability. These unexpected events can lead to bad credit, even for those who were previously financially responsible.

How Bad Credit Loans Work in the Philippines

Person experiencing negative effects of high interest rates and unreasonable loan terms


As mentioned earlier, bad credit loans are accessible even to those with low credit scores. They cater to a specific demographic, acknowledging the credit challenges they face. To be perfectly honest, luv, this is the only demographic that would say yes to bad credit loans given the terms, requirements, and interest rates.


The downside is that bad credit loans typically come with highter interest rates and shorter terms as a result. Since there’s more risk involved with bad credit loans, lenders may also require collateral or co-signers.


Popular Providers of Bad Credit Loans in the Philippines

There are a number of providers that you can choose from when it comes to bad credit loans. Read through each one and choose based on your specific needs!


  1. Traditional Banks - Some traditional banks in the Philippines may offer bad credit loan products. Heads up, though: these often come with more stringent eligibility requirements and higher interest rates.

  3. Non-Banking Financial Institutions - Non-bank financial institutions specialize in offering loans to individuals with bad credit. They tend to be more flexible in their lending criteria.

  5. Online Lending Platforms and Fintech Solutions - With the rise of fintech, online lending platforms have emerged as accessible sources of bad credit loans. They often provide a convenient application process and quicker approval. You have to be extra careful, though, since there are a lot of illegitimate online lenders out there. Research the ways that you can verify a lender, and you’ll be fine.

Pros and Cons of Bad Credit Loans

While bad credit loans seem like a miracle solution, it’s important to remember that they’re not perfect. Check out the pros and cons below to decide if this is for you!


  1. Access to Emergency Funds - Bad credit loans allow you to borrow funds in case of emergencies, even if you wouldn’t normally be able to.

  3. Potential for Credit Score Improvement - Timely repayments on bad credit loans can help improve your credit score over time. This can open doors to better financial opportunities in the future.

  5. Financial Inclusion - Bad credit loans offer financial inclusion to those who are excluded from the traditional banking system. In other words, this could be your second shot at financial freedom, luv!


  1. High Interest Rates - Borrowers often pay more in interest compared to those with good credit. This is due to the additional risk that lenders take on.

  3. Predatory Lending Practices - Some unscrupulous lenders may take advantage of borrowers with bad credit. Remember to stay vigilant and watch out for predatory lending practices.

  5. Potential for Further Financial Strain - While bad credit loans can provide immediate relief, they can also lead to further financial strain if you don’t manage it wisely. Be careful not to fall into a vicious cycle of debt!


Quick Tips to Build Credit with Bad Credit Loans in the Philippines:

Step 1: Start with a secured credit card or a bad credit loan; remember to start with small loan amounts


Step 2: Make consistent and on-time payments


Step 3: Gradually increase your credit limit


Step 4: Diversify your credit types


Step 5: Monitor your credit score


Tips for Filipinos Considering Bad Credit Loans


If you think bad credit loans are for you after reading the pros and cons, let’s move on to what you need to learn about next: helpful tips!


  1. Evaluate the Necessity of the Loan - Before taking out a bad credit loan, ask yourself first: “Is it really necessary considering my financial standing?” If it's for non-essential expenses, maybe you should sit this one out for now.

  3. Shop around first - Don't settle for the first offer. There are always better options out there! Make sure to shop around to compare terms and interest rates from different lenders to find the best deal.

  5. Understand loan agreements thoroughly - Take the time to read and understand the loan agreement, including all the terms and conditions. We know they could be overwhelming, so know that there’s absolutely no shame in seeking clarification on anything you're unsure about.

Alternatives to Bad Credit Loans

Bad credit loans aren’t for you? Don’t stress it. There are other options at your disposal! Here are a few of them.

  1. Microfinance Institutions - These are organizations that provide small loans, savings, and financial services, particularly to underserved or low-income communities. They typically have flexible lending criteria compared to traditional institutions, giving you a better chance at getting the funds you need.

  3. Cooperatives and Community-Based Lending - Often called "co-ops," these are collaborative and community-based organizations that offer loans with favorable terms.

  5. Borrowing from Friends and Family - Who better to ask for cash than the people who love and care about you? However, you still have to be careful here because you don't want to damage personal relationships.

  7. Exploring Government Assistance Programs - The government of the Philippines offers various financial assistance programs, particularly during times of economic hardship.

Get a Helping Hand from Bad Credit Loans!

Bad credit loans can be the start of your journey back to financial wellness. Their offer of much-needed funds in the face of credit challenges is one that many Filipinos badly need.


However, it’s crucial to tread lightly since they’re not without their risks like high interest rates and predatory lending practices. If you do decide to move forward with bad credit loans, make sure that you’re doing it with the best intentions, and that you’re fully informed about the terms and conditions.


If bad credit loans aren’t for you, that’s perfectly fine! There are still plenty of options out there that you can take.


At the end of the day, all hope is not lost if you have poor credit history. Just hang in there, luv, we’re sure you can make it through!


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