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Joining a club is super awesome because it makes one feel like they belong. The right one comes with perks and benefits. A cooperative kind of works the same way. Find out what a coop is and how you can get a loan through one!

Credit cooperatives may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you’re in need of a loan. Because we’re so used to traditional banks and online loan companies, these tend to be brushed over, especially by the younger generation.

A nice thing about cooperatives is that profit isn’t their main goal. They aren’t here to make money, but to…


If you happen to be someone working in a regular Philippine company, you’re likely to be paying taxes as well as contributions to local organizations like PhilHealth, SSS, and Pag-IBIG. But most of the time, we’re unaware of the benefits we can get from being active members and contributors to these corporations. For example: did you know that you could claim sick benefits from SSS if you missed work due to COVID-19? Yep, you totally could.

Another benefit for employees contributing to SSS happens to be a salary loan! We’ve discussed it in our…


If you have credit cards or if you’ve ever borrowed money through a loan, it’s crucial that you know how to check your credit score.


Your credit score is a number that represents your creditworthiness. As a result, it can have a significant impact on your ability to obtain any form of financing, such as credit cards and personal loans.


If this is your first time learning about credit scores, don’t panic. We can walk you through the whole process. Continue reading to get…


Learn all about how credit scoring works in the Philippines and how Tonik is pushing boundaries with its new products!

Picture this: you’re super excited about a shiny new gadget you want to buy! A new laptop, perhaps, to help you work better? While you don’t have enough funds for it, you think, hey, I can always take out a small loan so I can pay for it! So, you apply to a financial institution that can lend you some money for a loan, like a bank maybe! You’ve got everything covered—you seem to have all the criteria down, including a stable job and regular salary.


online business owner smiling as he views funding options like business loans on his laptop
online business owner smiling as he views funding options like business loans on his laptop

Vlogging, online selling, and starting a virtual tutorial service… These are just some of the most popular online businesses started by Filipinos in recent years. The convenience, flexibility, and vast market reach offered by online platforms have inspired many entrepreneurs to embark on their digital ventures. Plus, the increase in online shopping activity among Filipinos during the pandemic has convinced many of us to start a business online.


Although, there is one crucial aspect that often determines the sustained success of any business—whether it’s a brick-and-…

entrepreneur happy that he can explore many ways to fund his business expansion plan
entrepreneur happy that he can explore many ways to fund his business expansion plan

Did you know? There are over a million small and medium enterprises in the Philippines as of 2021. And a recent study also noted that 4 out of 5 Filipinos are interested in entrepreneurship. This clearly shows that Filipinos have a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Many of us know that doing business can not only help…

Digital Banking in Southeast Asia
Digital Banking in Southeast Asia

There is so much room for growth and innovation in Southeast Asia’s digital banking landscape -- especially here in the Philippines. But because the industry is still in its initial stages of development, there are some critical gaps that need to be addressed before digital banking can fully take off in the region.


In an episode of On Call with Insignia Podcast, our Strategic Associate Jui Takle shares an overview of the…


Imagine you're at a fiesta, and suddenly, rain starts pouring down—kind of a bummer, right? Well, financial surprises can feel just like that: unexpected, inconvenient, and sometimes, downright messy. That’s where your emergency fund comes into play, luv! It acts as the trusty umbrella that keeps you dry and comfy.  

Let's explore why this financial buffer is not just your rainy day fund, but a must-have to keep your finances sunny and bright! 


So, you've been thinking about beefing up your savings, huh? Whether you're gearing up for the rainy days, eyeing that dream vacay, or just wanting a cushier cushion for those "just in case" moments, you're in the right place, luv. Let's dive into the art of saving without feeling like you're giving up your daily joys—yes, even your beloved Frappuccino in the morning. 

Ever wonder why most budgeting advice feels like it’s written for someone living on another planet? You try to follow it to the letter, but somehow, you end up feeling more restricted than ever.

It's not you, luv. It's the advice. Too often, it misses the mark on what truly matters in our daily lives. So, what actually works? Stick around as we debunk common budgeting myths and introduce practical strategies that fit real life, not just an idealized version of it. 


Would you be ready if (and when) your car breaks down? Can you confidently say you’re prepared to face a sudden layoff? How about an emergency medical expense?


We never wish for these unexpected scenarios to happen… but it’s best to be prepared, luv. That’s why having an emergency fund in place is truly important. With an emergency fund, you have a financial buffer that cushions you from the impact of life’s unpredictable moments, ensuring they don’t escalate into full-blown crises.



Remember when you were a student, lugging around brick-sized textbooks and giving yourself scoliosis? And taking down notes in tacky notebooks with local celebrities on the covers?For better or for worse, those days are gone. While some kids still use physical books and notebooks, it’s no secret that more and more prefer using devices – most commonly, the laptop. Who could blame them? Books are big, thick, heavy things, while laptops are light, sleek, and (dare I say it without sounding weird?) sexy.…
When choosing online loans, it’s easy to be swept away by a high loan amount. Get up to P50K! P150K! P250K! Need a million? How about P5M! All those zeroes can hypnotize you and you’ll be signing that contract before you know it. Luckily, we’re here to snap you back into reality with this handy blog about another important number that you need to carefully consider – the loan interest rate!   A loan interest rate…
At a glance:  Prioritize understanding costs like interest rates, downpayments, processing fees, and loan terms when comparing installment loans.Transparency in loan comparisons helps you choose the loan that best fits your financial needs. If the Vivo V3 Pro 5G is the phone of your dreams, we can’t blame you, luv. Its sleek design, ZEISS Professional Portrait Camera, and 12GB + 512GB RAM are just some of the features that’ll make any techie’s mouth water.  However, gadgets that are as powerful…
Let's face it, luv. Your financial health is just as important as your physical health. It's the bedrock of your peace of mind, affecting not just how you live today but how you'll enjoy those golden years down the road. Consider it like checking the heartbeat of your financial health, showing how ready you are to tackle whatever life throws your way.With that in mind, let me ask you this: Have you ever thought of what your life would look like if financial worries weren't constantly looming over you? Let's explore how to achieve that vision in this article. Table of Contents…


Insurance. I'm sure you've heard of it before. But you might be wondering: is this something you really need? The short answer is a solid YES, luv. Why? Because life loves to throw us curveballs. From a fender bender on your way to Tagaytay to a sudden illness or even a natural disaster hitting your dream home, these unforeseen events can have a big impact on your finances.

Insurance acts like your financial guard, stepping in to handle the costs of these surprises. That means instead of digging into your savings, you can keep building that nest egg or planning that holiday, stress-…

Let’s chat about something we often push to the back of our minds: retirement. It might seem a lifetime away, especially when you're juggling daily expenses, but planning for retirement is a bit like setting up a domino effect — start it right, and everything falls into place beautifully. Not only is it essential for your financial health, but getting a jumpstart on retirement planning can be the key to a relaxed and secure golden age. So, why not ensure your future self can kick back…

Let’s talk about a relationship we all have—our love-hate affair with taxes. Love, because our taxes fund essential services and development projects; hate, because it often feels like a big bite out of our paychecks. But what if I told you that with a little savvy tax planning, you could transform this complicated relationship into a more rewarding liaison? That’s right, luv. Effective tax planning is not just about compliance; it’s about maximizing your take-home pay and enhancing your savings.…

At a glance: 

  • It’s crucial to understand the various types of investments including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, real estate, and cryptocurrencies,  
  • Assess your risk tolerance by considering your comfort with potential losses, investment time frame, and financial goals.  
  • A well-structured investment plan involves clear goals, appropriate asset allocation, and a diverse portfolio to manage different economic conditions.

Are you ready to see your money grow? Investing isn't just for the big bosses or the ultra-rich… It’s for everyone,…