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They say love gives you wings...

We'd really rather give you 6. An annual interest rate that will take your time and money to new heights.​

Fall in love with your Tonik Account

Credit Builder

Build Credit For Your Financial Ever After.​

Your Tonik Account is key to easy credit building. Regular payments, saving with a Stash, and everyday transactions can all contribute to your credit score. This means you’ll be eligible for the loan you need, when you need it.

Time Deposit

In the Mood for 6?​

Of course you are! Aim for the best 6 you've ever had with our 6% annual interest rate for our Time Deposit!

Get Your 6 on with our Time Deposit

Solo Stash

Put your cash in a stash! Make your money work for you 4 times harder than with your regular savings account. Our 4% annual interest rate allows you to save and save and save and save. Yeah, big savings right here. How big is big? Experience it for yourself!

Get Solo Stashin'

Group Stash

Wow, you are still reading through our website. Have you already downloaded our app? Well, we have another new thing for you to try out. This allows you to save with a group for #SquadGoals. When there's group savings to do, your squad should go Group Stashin'!

Have more fun Group Stashin'
onboard to tonik app

Onboarding is literally a quickie

5 minutes is all it takes to get onboarded the Tonik App. No second round needed.

Get your hands on the Tonik App
interest rate

We're a different kind of bank, where your limit is your imagination

Think of what higher interest rates can do for you. Picture it - or better yet add that photo to your Stash. Make that vision come true. Make a fund transfer today.

Live your dreams with Tonik


A neo standard for account security that will make you love us even more
3D secure
lock,block card
secured access

Our partners are global market leaders:

Don't just take our word for it…

Open communication is key to making our neobanking romance work.

Share your thoughts, luv. We'll be waiting. We’re here for you 24/7.